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Registered: 06-2003
Location: Pittsfield, MA.
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57 Kerra Isle

57 Kerra Isle


Quest Kerra 57 walkthrough:

1. The prophet asks you to kill 2 mobs. Diseased Tempest Panther and Petiferous Murkwood Quee (spider) I was lucky enought to have found them both in South Tox. I have also seen queen murkwood in SoM just north of the good waysender.

2. Return to prophet he sends you to arc to retrieve some timbala leaves from Healer Ometoj. He is near the waysender and spiritmaster. (if memory serves it was around 7k) (evils see a diff NPC in SoM)

3. Return to prophet, he sends you to kill Krend Catsbane who roams near the boarder of the Hunt. In Abyssal sea (S)and (SE).

4. Return to prophet he sends you to kill the Kappa skinner in Sylhithis' Dwell in the Kappa Castle. He is on the 2nd floor right as you come up the ramp, the 1st room you turn to face (no placeholder) Spawn time is around 4 hrs.

5. Return to prophet he send you to See Costume maker Leboi, make sure to bring your pile of kerran hides from the skinner* Leboi is located on the shores of the Theatre Bizarre island in Gulf of Uzan(W) He asks for 10,144 tunar.

6. Return to prophet he sends you off to kill Elder Garfeg and return his spear. (I dont remeber exact loctaion, was in East Tox I believe.) There are 2 huts on a river, while facing north he spawns in the east side hut alone. I dont know if there is a placeholder he was up when I got there.

7. Return to prophet...... THIS IS MY MOST FAVORITE PART OF ANY QWEST ON EQOA. You get to turn into a Kerra cat form. Prophet of Kumaj sends you to Shadza Letwin who spawns at a well in the tendori-buki village where Ithwutet is located.

8. Back to the prophet now its off to the hunt where you need to kill a diseased manticore and a diseased wheil'hi brute (sp?) Located in the hunt (C) and (N)

9. Back to the prophet he send you to Chief Terrican who is located in the Hunt (N/nw) on the shore.

10. Back to the prophet he sends you to kill the Kolbolk Warden. The warden is located in the jailer area of the Kolbolk cave in teh Warrens zone. The placeholder is the center jailer in the room.

11. Back to prophet he sends you to kill the Ratman plaguespreader who is located in Cape Dreg/South Barren Coast. He is in the Ratman Lair there.

12. Back to the prophet he sends you to kill Yevran Ty'rizeth. He is located in the the Ty'rizeth place near Gargs. When in the bodygaurd room, the placeholder is on the far left as you are facing the alter. Spawn time is also 40minutes like the warden/battlemaster/ and defiler.

13. Back to the prophet and collect your reward and 64.1 mil xp. Most of this infor was commited to memory so please post any missed or ommitted info. Good luck and happy hunting.

Dambro ~ The Order of the Sleepless Knights

Davlannan ~ Vertically Challenged

Groovy ~ Troubador of the Tethelin Walkabouts
7/26/2005, 11:18 am Link to this post Send Email to Dambro   Send PM to Dambro Yahoo

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