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Sleepless Knight

Registered: 05-2004
Posts: 1902
Karma: 32 (+34/-2)
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Re: Sites to see post 30


Berkin wrote:

I set my LFG tag Saturday night, and got an invite within three minutes. The group was full and just needed a tank. I asked where they wanted me to go, and they hailed a Rustel Minotaur Scout. I immediately responded that I hadn't tanked there before, so I'll go slow for a bit while I got a feel for the camp.

The minos are 35+ (all quadded), but the group (35 Nec, 32 Monk, 31 Cleric, and FP) was able to dispatch them fairly quickly, and I was able to chain pull quite nicely. When the scout would spawn during a pull, it was rooted immediately. Overall, it was a very good pickup group experience. I really don't think the XP was worth it, though. The XP per kill varied from 75K to 125K, but I know that Wind and I will kill DB to Yellows getting 50K to 65K at a faster rate.

Summary: We can camp minos no problem now. emoticon

Sw33t! Can't wait to go there!

Azymu 80 Druid
1/31/2005, 4:04 pm Link to this post  

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